On the 9th World Confucius Day
二、 “抽象:诗歌与音乐”国际研讨会
三、 “诗的抽象”国际诗歌朗诵会暨音乐会
World Confucius Day organized by the Confucius Institute of Artois has always had a tradition of blending academics and art. In the event of this year, the diversity of academic themes, fresh perspectives on research and multidimensional interpretations of the arts were brought together in Paris, Lens and Arras. The 9th World Confucius Day series, which ran for nearly a month from 3 September to 1 October, was jointly organized by the Confucius Institute of Artois, the University of Artois, the Louver-Lens, and Nanjing University. The whole event can be described as a three acts drama of academic and artistic, which consisted of.
I. "The Art of Zen: Ink and Poetry", an exhibition of paintings and calligraphy
II.An international symposium on “Abstraction: Poetry and Music”
Ⅲ. “Abstraction of Poetry”, an international poetry Recitation and concert
第一幕 “禅之艺术:水墨与诗”书画展
Act I: "The Art of Zen: Ink and Poetry" exhibition of paintings and calligraphy
The "Art of Zen: Ink and Poetry" exhibition opened on 3 September 2022 at the Société des Poets de France in Paris. The exhibition featured more than 50 paintings and calligraphy of Zen art by SHI Benru, the Abbot of Jinye Temple in Shaanxi Province, China. The two-week exhibition attracted thousands of visitors.
第二幕 “抽象:诗歌与音乐”国际研讨会
“抽象:诗歌与音乐”国际研讨会分两天在线下线上同时进行。主会场设在法国阿尔多瓦大学阿拉斯校区研究中心的报告厅和卢浮宫朗斯分馆报告厅。2022年9月30日上午的会议由南京大学文学院院长徐兴无教授在线上主持,阿尔多瓦大学教授路易莎(Luisa Prudentino) 和副教授罗曼(Romain Lefebvre)共同主持了下午的会议。国际研讨会的主讲嘉宾来自中国、法国、美国、德国、希腊、日本和比利时等。
Act II: International Symposium "Abstraction: Poetry and Music
The International Symposium "Abstraction: Poetry and Music" took place over two days, both offline and online. The morning session on 30 September 2022 was chaired online by Professor Xu Xingwu, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts of Nanjing University, and the afternoon session was co-chaired by Professor Luisa Prudentino and Associate Professor Romain Lefebvre of the University of Artois. The afternoon session. The speakers were invited from China, France, USA, Germany, Greece, Japan and Belgium.
The topics of the presentations on the first day were as follows:
北京外国语大学阿拉伯学院教授 薛庆国 《古兰经》马坚汉语译本评析(线上) Xue Qingguo (School of Arabic Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University), A Commentary on Ma Jian's Chinese Translation of the Holy Koran
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复旦大学哲学学院教授 潘公凯 中国笔墨 Pan Kongkai (School of Philosophy, Fudan University), L’encre Chinoise
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《中希时报》执行总编、希中文化协会会长 杨少波 伊利亚特的汉语翻译 Yang Shaobo (Traducteur, mythologue, Grèce), The Chinese transition of Homer's Iliad | |
法国尼斯大学教授 黄晓敏 在17世纪末期中国的法国人 Huang Xiaomin (Université de Nice), La France en Chine, du XVIIe siècle à la fin de l’Empire
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日本城西国际大学教授 田原 行者的自画像——北岛长诗《歧路行》与政治诗学(线上) Tian Yuan 田原 (Josai International University, Japon), The Self-portrait of the Traveler -- beidao Long poem Qi Lu Xing and Political Poetics?
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比利时鲁汶大学博士生 韩书园 金陵大学的美国建筑范例——“中山楼”案例研究 Han Shuyuan (Université catholique de Louvain), An american architecture model in the University of Nanking- case study of “ZhongShan House”(1904)
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法国阿尔多瓦大学博士生 陈金秋 雷慕沙的期待视野-《古汉语文本》分析(线上) Chen Jinqiu (Université d’Artois), L’horizon d’attente d’Abel Rémusat- Analyse de l’Éléments de la grammaire chinoise
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法国阿尔多瓦大学与南京大学联合培养博士生 杨竟 《文心雕龙》之文(线上) Yang Jing (Université de Nankin et Université d’Artoit), Le « wen » du Wenxin diaolong
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法国阿尔多瓦大学博士生 刘曼 17世纪来华耶稣会士对中国文字的接受—— 以殷铎泽《论中国文字》手稿为例 Liu Man (Université d’Artois), La réception de l'écriture chinoise des jésuites en Chine au XVIIème siècle - à partir du manuscrit « De Sinarum literis » du Père Prospero Intorcetta
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法国巴黎索邦大学博士生 俞芳华 法国的《道德经》翻译(线上) Yu Fanghua (Université Paris Sorbonne IV), La traduction du Canon de la Voie et de la Vertu en France
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法国阿尔多瓦大学博士生 张晋玮 当魏尔崙的小調來到覃子豪的诗歌里 Zhang Jinwei (Université d’Artois), Quand le mode mineur de Verlaine arrive dans la poésie de Qin Zihao
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法国阿尔多瓦大学教授 金丝燕 論《文心雕龍》之《贊》與佛經隨頌律 (Ślôka)的關係 Jin Siyan (Université d’Artois), Le « zan » du Wenxin diaolong à la lumière du Ślôka bouddhiste
Professor Jin Siyan, French Director of Confucius Institute of Artois, presided the session on 1 October in the scene of Louvre-Lens Museum.
Following are the topics presented on the 2nd day.
比利时根特大学教授 巴得胜 不空金刚之普贤菩萨行愿赞:一首宗教与政治诗 Bart Dessein (Université Gant), Puxian pusa xing yuan zan (T.297) d'Amoghavajra: une poésie religieuse et politique
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德国纽伦堡大学教授 朗宓榭 “张开嘴,让我们听到你发自内心的声音” : 占卜之诗 Michael Lackner (Nürnberg-Erlangen Universität), Ouvrez votre bouche afin qu’on vous entende traiter du coeur
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旅美诗人、翻译家 王以培 兰波诗歌遇见汉语 Wang Yipei (Poète et traducteur), La Poésie de Rimbaud à la rencontre de la langue chinoise
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希腊诗人 安纳斯塔西斯·威斯托尼迪斯 一首希腊诗 Anastassis Vistonitis, Greek Poet, Une poésie grecque
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法国里昂三大教授 杰奎琳·埃斯特兰 秋瑾(1875-1907)的诗歌世界:传统、体裁与自述 Jacqueline Estran (Université de Lyon 3), Le monde poétique de Qiu Jin 秋瑾(1875-1907) :tradition, genre et écriture de soi
The two-day international symposium concluded successfully at 16:30 on 1 October 2022, with the participation of hundreds of experts, students, teachers and the public, both online and offline.
第三幕 “诗的抽象”国际诗歌朗诵会暨音乐会
10月1日 晚上六时,国际诗歌朗诵会在朗斯卢浮宫音乐厅拉开帷幕。首先由来自希腊的诗人安纳斯塔西斯·威斯托尼迪斯(Anastassis Vistonitis)朗诵他创作的诗歌《黑暗之夏》(Dark Summer),由杨少波朗读该诗歌的中文翻译版本;其次,王以培用中法双语朗读了诗歌《灵性牧场》( « La prairie spirituelle » );之后金丝燕教授用中法双语朗读诗歌《鸟儿和它失去故土的宇宙》。最后播放了两位因故无法到场的嘉宾录制的诗朗诵视频。一位是诗人北岛带来了他的最新作品,长诗《歧路行》的序曲和第一章,另一位是日本诗人谷川俊太郎带来的两首短诗《再见》和《二十亿光年的孤独》。
Act III: "Abstraction of Poetry" International Poetry Recital and Concert
On 6 pm of October the 1st , the international poetry recitation began in the Concert Hall of Louvre Lens. Firstly, Anastassis Vistonitis, a poet from Greece, read his poem "Dark Summer", the Chinese translation of which was read by Yang Shaobo; secondly, Wang Yipei read his poem "La prairie spirituelle" in French and Chinese. The poem "La prairie spirituelle" was read by Wang Yipei in both Chinese and French, followed by a bilingual reading of the poem "The bird and the universe without its homeland" by Professor Jin Siyan. At the end, a video recording of poetry readings by two guests who could not be present was shown. One was the poet Bei Dao read the prelude and the first chapter of his long poem Divergent Walk which is his latest work. And the other was the Japanese poet Shuntaro Tanigawa with two short poems, Goodbye and Two Billion Light Years of Solitude.
紧随国际诗歌朗诵会之后,音乐会于18点40分拉开帷幕。本次音乐会是由法国阿尔多瓦孔子学院与德国纽伦堡孔子学院联合举办。来自科隆三重奏乐团在卢浮宫朗斯分馆音乐厅表演了贝多芬和德彪西的名曲。这三位音乐家分别是钢琴家范琳琳、小提琴家沃尔特·施赖伯(Walter Schreiber)和大提琴家乔安娜·施赖伯(Joanna Schreiber)。在音乐家们演奏过程中,大屏幕同时播放着以释本如书画作品为素材制作而成的长达1小时45分钟的视频。此刻,西方古典音乐与东方禅艺珠辉玉映,音符重新诠释了禅艺之美,禅艺赋予了音符新的意境。这种组合将线下和线上的观众带入了多维的艺术空间。国际诗歌朗诵会及音乐会吸引了上百人次参加,观众年龄上至七八十岁,下至两三岁。法国阿尔多瓦大学现任校长马默(Pasquale Mammone)先生及其夫人也莅临音乐会现场。
The concert starts at 18:40 as programmed. The concert was jointly organized by the Confucius Institute in Artois and Konfuzius-Institut Nürnberg-Erlangen Germany. The trio from Cologne performed famous pieces by Beethoven and Debussy in the concert hall of the Louvre Lens. The three musicians were pianist Lynn Van, violinist Walter Schreiber, and cellist Joanna Schreiber. During the musicians' performance, a 105-minute video composed based on Shi Benru's paintings and calligraphy was simultaneously shown on the big screen. At this moment, western classical music and oriental Zen art were combined. The notes reinterpret the beauty of Zen art and Zen art giving the notes a new meaning. This combination brings the offline and online audience into a multi-dimensional artistic space. The international poetry recitation and concert attracted hundreds of attendees, which range in age from 80s down to two or three years old. Mr. Pasquale Mammone, the President of the University of Artois, and his wife were also present at the concert.
The 9th World Confucius Day series of cultural events came to a successful conclusion at 8.30 pm on October the 1st, 2022.
Edition:Zhang Qiang & Xu Meng
Photo:Confucius Institute of Artois, France