





欧洲高校教授简介:路易萨(Luisa Prudentino),意大利汉学家,意大利莱切的萨兰托大学中国语言和文化教授,毕业于世界上第一个成立汉学系的意大利那不勒斯大学东方学院,主要研究欧洲汉学史和中国电影史,已发表一系列研究成果,引起当代欧洲汉学界的关注。本次参加“教育援青”人文学科基础建设教学工作,为青海师大文学院研究生授课。




路易萨教授本次讲课的要点是,欧洲汉学史的发展有很长的历史,但可以使用“想象的汉学”、“宗教的汉学”和“科学的汉学”的三个概念,对长时段的历史进行划分,然后开展分阶段的研究。其中,想象的汉学,以马可٠波罗为代表,指用欧洲文化的语言、兴趣和观念,想象中国文化,并进行描述。宗教的汉学,以利玛窦为代表,指在西方基督教背景下,接触、观察和解释中国文化,有时也借用中国文化的非宗教概念,对西方基督教教义进行补充性的解释。科学的汉学,意大利汉学家马国贤(Matteo Ripa)创立,指在意大利那不勒斯成立“中国学院”,建立欧洲第一所教授汉语的教育机构,讲授汉语汉字,编写汉语教材,介绍中国知识和中国经典,培养汉学人才。







Postgraduate General Course of the First-Level Discipline

Chinese Language and Literature of Qinghai Normal University

“Methodology of Transcultural Study on Chinese Society and Culture” Invites

Italian Professor Luisa Prudentino to Deliver Lecture on

“A Brief History of European Sinology”


The third lecture of “Methodology of Transcultural Study on Chinese Society and Culture”, postgraduate general course of the first-level discipline Chinese Language and Literature of Qinghai Normal University, was held online on March 26th, 2022. The keynote speaker was Professor Luisa Prudentino from Università del Salento, Italy. Her topic was “A Brief History of European Sinology——Starting from Matteo Ripa, An Italian Sinologist”. Professor Liu Xiaolin, vice dean of College of Chinese Language and Literature, Qinghai Normal University, presided over the lecture. Postgraduates and teachers of College of Chinese Language and Literature of Qinghai Normal University, researchers of Academy of Plateau Science and Sustainability of Qinghai Normal University, and some teachers and students of School of Chinese Language and Culture of Beijing Normal University attended the lecture.

Professor Luisa Prudentino is an Italian Sinologist, mainly specializing in the history of European Sinology and the history of Chinese Cinema. China and Italy have a long history of cultural exchanges. The Chinese are familiar with the Italian historical figures Marco Polo and Matteo Ricci. Many young students from all over the world come there to learn Chinese language and culture every year.

From Luisa’s lecture, the audience learned that European Sinology has a long history of development, which can be sorted out and studied by the concepts of “imaginative Sinology”, “religious Sinology” and “scientific Sinology”. Imaginative Sinology, represented by Marco Polo, refers to imagine and describe Chinese culture with the language, interests and ideas of European culture. Religious Sinology, represented by Matteo Ricci, refers to the contact, observation and interpretation of Chinese culture in the context of Western Christianity, and sometimes there are supplementary interpretations of Western Christian doctrine by borrowing non-religious concepts of Chinese culture.  Scientific Sinology, founded by Italian Sinologist Matteo Ripa, refers to the establishment of “China Institute” in Naples, Italy, which is the first Educational institution in Europe to teach Chinese characters, compile Chinese textbooks, introduce Chinese knowledge and Chinese classics, and cultivate sinology talents.  In the development of innovation, Sinology in France, Germany, Britain, Sweden and other countries interact with each other, gradually changing the view of Eurocentrism through the scientific construction of Sinology. They learn to explain Chinese culture from the reality of Chinese materials, the way of thinking and the customary culture of Chinese people. Professor Luisa played several film clips of The History of Italian Sinology during the lecture, which aroused great interest of the teachers and students.

Professor Liu Xiaolin, vice dean of College of Chinese Language and Literature, Qinghai Normal University, made a summary after class and praised Professor Luisa highly for her excellent lecture delivered in Chinese for hours. Professor Li Guoying commented on Professor Luisa’s use of innovative concepts to sort out the history of Western Sinology. According to Professor Dong Xiaoping, what was learned from today’s lecture was that Professor Luisa introduced the trend that many Western Sinologists have abandoned the view of “Eurocentrism” and have taken advantage of transcultural theories and methods to study human multiculturalism, including Chinese culture.


(Trans. by Li Huafang)