





主讲教授简介:王 宁,浙江海宁人,1958年毕业于北京师范大学中文系本科,1964年北京师范大学文字训诂学研究生毕业。1958-1983年在青海师范大学中文系任教,间于1972-1980年在青海省文学艺术创作研究室从事音乐戏剧创作与评论工作。现为北京师范大学教授,兼任全国哲学社会科学研究规划咨询委员会委员、教育部哲学与社会科学委员会语言文学新闻学部委员、教育部基础教育与教材咨询委员会委员。主要从事古代汉语、文字训诂学、汉语词源学、辞书学、语文教育及中国传统文化等领域的教学与研究。主要论著有《训诂方法论》、《古汉语词义答问》(以上与其老师陆宗达教授合著)、《说文解字与汉字学》、《训诂学原理》、《汉字构形学导论》等专著,主编《古代汉语》、《中国文化概论》、《汉字学概要》等多部高校教材,主持研制了《通用规范汉字表》《古籍印刷通用字规范字形表》等国家语言文字规范,为《2017普通高中语文课程标准》研制组组长,《辞源》第三版修订主编之一。






(/刘文林    /赖彦斌)    


Postgraduate General Course of the First-Level Discipline Chinese Language and

Literature of Qinghai Normal University

“Methodology of Transcultural Study on Chinese Society and Culture” Starts with

 Professor Wang Ning’s Lecture on Chinese Character Science and Chinese Teaching


“Methodology of Transcultural Study on Chinese Society and Culture”, postgraduate general course of the first-level discipline Chinese Language and Literature of Qinghai Normal University, will last from March to July in the spring semester,2022, setting up a new international course of humanities of Qinghai Normal University.

Based on a series of arrangements of volunteer teaching of western China by Beijing Normal University, under the care of the leaders of Beijing Normal University and Qinghai Normal University,within the framework of a major cooperation project between College of Transcultural Studies, BNU and Academy of Plateau Science and Sustainability, QNU, and taking College of Chinese Language and Literature, QNU as a platform, this course owns first-class professors from different universities in China and abroad. It is provided for diversified majors including Chinese Traditional Philology, Theory of Literature, Theory of Folk Literature and Arts, Ancient Literature, Modern Literature, Russian Literature etc., having impact on the interdisciplinary fields of Philosophy, History, Ethnology, Indology, Art, Transcultural Studies, Sinology of Chinese society and culture research, etc. With the series of works of “Education Aid for Qinghai” published by China Commercial Press, systematic teaching will be carried out so as to carry forward excellent traditional Chinese culture, improve the sense of community of the Chinese nation, give full play to the unique advantages of teaching and scientific research of Qinghai Normal University, share Chinese and foreign cutting-edge academic resources, expand the international open space, as well as explore a new path for the high-end construction of humanities in Qinghai Normal University.

From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on March 12th, 2022, the first round of teaching was conducted as scheduled. Professor Wang Ning, a senior professor of Beijing Normal University and a famous Chinese linguist, took the lead to give the lecture. Professor Wang Ning is a representative scholar of the contemporary inheritance and development of Zhang Taiyan-Huang Kan School of Chinese traditional philology. In the series of works of “Education Aid for Qinghai” published by the Commercial Press, she wrote one book named Twelve Lectures on Chinese Character Configuration, and personally gave lectures to postgraduates of Qinghai Normal University. Nearly 60 people attended this lecture including postgraduates, research supervisors and teachers of Qinghai Normal University, researchers of Academy of Plateau Science and Sustainability of Qinghai Normal University, and some teachers and students of School of Chinese Language and Culture of Beijing Normal University. Professor Liu Xiaolin, vice dean of the College of Chinese Language and Literature, QNU, presided over the lecture.

The topic of Professor Wang Ning’s lecture today is “Chinese Character Science and Chinese Teaching”. Based on years of exquisite research on the history of Chinese traditional language and the theory and methodology of language philology, she gave a lecture on the characteristics and status quo of normal education in colleges and universities, as well as the needs of talent training of traditional humanities. The Key points of her lecture are as follows: “Chinese character belongs to ideographic writing system”, “Chinese character teaching influences Chinese teaching”, “Chinese character education in the whole process of basic education I: basic word table of basic education”, “Chinese character education in the whole process of basic education II: character analysis throughout character teaching”, “Chinese character education in the whole process of basic education III: Chinese characters and reading in depth”. Professor Wang Ning profoundly explained the characteristics of Chinese characters, revealed the perspectives and methods of using scientific thought of Chinese characters in Chinese teaching, and illustrated the Chinese characters in plain language and in detail. Professor Wang Ning repeatedly stressed to the teachers and students that “the root of the excellent traditional Chinese culture is in Chinese characters. In the process of Chinese character teaching, the knowledge system of language application should be constructed, and the excellent traditional culture should be inherited and developed in a related, orderly and rational way.”

After Professor Wang’s lecture, Liu Xiaolin, vice dean of the College of Chinese Language and Literature, QNU, made a summary on behalf of all the teachers and students of his college. He expressed high respect to Professor Wang Ning, who had worked in the higher education field and made great contributions to the construction of the College of Chinese Language and Literature, QNU. All the teachers and students listened attentively to the wonderful lecture. Finally, with gratitude and farewell from the audience, the first lecture of “Methodology of Transcultural Study on Chinese Society and Culture” came to an end.

(Trans. by Li Huafang)    

