





欧洲高校教授简介:金丝燕(Siyan Jin),法国阿尔多瓦大学(Universitè d’ Artois)特级教授。2019年获法兰西学术棕榈奖章。北京大学西语系学士、硕士。北京大学中文系现代文学教研室和北京大学比较文学研究所助教。法国巴黎索尔邦大学博士。中法合作学术杂志《跨文化对话》法方副主编、中法合作“远近丛书”法方主编,“跨文化研究”丛书主编。已出版法文、英文和中文著作多种,近年出版的中文著作主要有:《文化转场:法国早期汉学视野》《文化转场:中国与他者》《诗学的悖论》。与汪德迈合编《古文言读本》(全两册),翻译并出版印度佛经(中法对译)《大本经》《金刚经》《游行经》《闍尼沙经》等多部,翻译并出版汪德迈著作《中国思想的两种理性》《中国教给我们什么》等多种。




在首轮王宁先生主讲后,青海师大师生迎来欧洲高校金丝燕教授的第二讲,刘晓林副院长首先代表青海师大文学院的师生,对金丝燕教授投身“教育援青”西部高教事业表示敬意与欢迎。金丝燕教授是法国阿尔多瓦大学(Universitè d’ Artois)的特级教授,在跨文化学、文学理论、中西诗学、中法现代文学、印度佛经的翻译与研究、法国汉学经典著作的翻译与研究等多领域都取得突出成绩,获法国政府颁发的法兰西学术棕榈奖。刘副院长说,跨文化学与文学院研究生课程全面相关,在理论上和方法上都有前瞻性,有助于研究生课程的新建设。




Postgraduate General Course of the First-Level Discipline Chinese

 Language and Literature of Qinghai Normal University

“Methodology of Transcultural Studies on Chinese Society and Culture”

Invites A French Professor Jin Siyan to DeliverLecture on

“Methodology of Transcultural Studies: Long Timespan and Multiple Dimensions”


The second lecture of “Methodology of Transcultural Studies on Chinese Society and Culture”, postgraduate general course of the first-level discipline Chinese Language and Literature of Qinghai Normal University, was delivered by Professor Jin Siyan on March 19th, 2022, with the main venue Xining and the sub-venue Beijing. Postgraduates and teachers of College of Chinese Language and Literature ,and the researches came from APSS of Qinghai Normal University as well as some teachers and students of Beijing Normal University attended the lecture online. Professor Liu Xiaolin, vice dean of College of Chinese Language and Literature, QNU, presided over the lecture.

Professor Jin Siyan was invited to deliver a lecture for teachers and students of QNU after Professor Wang Ning’s first lecture. On behalf of the teachers and students of College of Chinese Language and Literature, QNU, Professor Liu Xiaolin expressed his respect and welcome to Professor Jin Siyan for her dedication to the western higher education cause of “Education Aid for Qinghai”. Professor Jin Siyan, the professor of Special Grade of Universitè d’ Artois, France, was awarded L’ordre des Palmes Académiques by the French Government for her outstanding achievements in different fields including Transcultural Study, Literary Theory, Chinese and Western Poetics, Modern Chinese and French Literature, Translation and Research of Indian Buddhist Sutras, Translation and Research of French Sinology Classics, etc. According to Professor Liu Xiaolin, Transcultural Study, which is proactive theoretically and methodologically, is fully related to the postgraduate curriculum of College of Chinese Language and Literature, QNU, contributing to the postgraduate curricula construction. The topic of Professor Jin Siyan’s lecture today is “Methodology of Transcultural Study: Long Timespan and Multiple Perspectives”, which is a part with prominent methodological characteristics of her new book named Introduction to Transcultural Study. This book will be published recently by the Commercial Press as one of the “Education Aid for Qinghai” basic books for humanities. In her lecture, the theory of transcultural study, cultural transfer methods and case study methods are used synthetically. Three cases, which are the new achievements of Professor Jin’s research, are presented as follows. Case One: Translation and Research of the French version of Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature. Case Two: Translation and Chinese-French comparative study of the Indian Pali Buddhist sutra Janavasabha Sutta.  Case Three: French-Chinese translation of Professor Léon Vandermeersch’s What China Teaches Us and research on his thoughts on Chinese Studies. Exploring the French Sinology tradition which has a history of three or four hundred years, she translated and conducted comparative research on two classical texts, Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature and Janavasabha Sutta, which were written in medieval Chinese to varying degree. In her lecture, based on those two works, Professor Jin Siyan conducted a “long timespan” and “multiple perspectives” analysis of the Chinese-foreign thoughts, diversified concepts and semantic transformation in medieval Chinese, focusing on academic issues of China, the West and India. During her research in France, Professor Jin Siyan cooperated with Professor Léon Vandermeersch, a top Sinologist in France, in both translation and research, which became a perfect interpretation of “cultural transfer”. She highly praised Professor Léon Vandermeersch for his humanistic spirit of loving peace and his great contribution to Sinology research, and pointed out that Professor Léon Vandermeersch, who was proficient in French, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese, was a model of Transcultural Study. He lectured at Chinese universities for many years and was also regarded as a great pioneer in transcultural Chinese education. From the perspective of a French Sinologist, Professor Jin encouraged Chinese postgraduate students to carry out in-depth research on the excellent traditional Chinese culture, strengthen the transcultural awareness, and play an active role in the dialogue and mutual learning of diverse civilizations in the world. The participants were deeply impressed by her lecture.

Professor Liu Xiaolin made a summary of the lecture. Professor Li Guoying, dean of College of Chinese Language and Literature, QNU, and former secretary of the Party committee of School of Chinese Language and Culture, BNU, and Professor Dong Xiaoping, dean of College of Transcultural Studies, BNU, attended today’s lecture. Professor Li Guoying has been studying the Buddhist literature Taisho Tripitaka for many years and communicated with Professor Jin on the interpretation methods of it. Professor Dong Xiaoping made a brief supplement to the basic viewpoints of Professor Jin’s Introduction to Transcultural Study. During over one hundred years, colleges and universities in various countries have established a unified value scale and scientific mindset, turning disciplinary knowledge into the only condition for authentic and scientific nature. This mode has its own limitations. Transcending previous models of knowledge theory, transcultural study advocates the cross research between synchronicity and diachronicity, diversity and dissimilarity, and the combination and exchange of methods of the humanities, building a community culture with a shared future for mankind in the transcultural and social sense.


(Trans. by Li Huafang)    



部分听讲师生截屏(2022年3月19日 图/赖彦斌)